Rafael Virgino Vanni
Rafael Virgino Vanni - Artist
"My goal when creating is to convey tradition, but as a living thing, a strand that goes back to time immemorial but speak to us, now."
I am Brazilian born and raised, eradicated in London since 2017, where I had the opportunity to study with Dr. Irina Bradley for several years. Later I studied with Olga Shalamova and Philip Davydov before I started finding my own voice.
Through my work I try to bring the iconographical language back to the west - this common language that we shared for over a thousand years with our eastern brothers - but in a way that is not simply a copy of the old masters or of other cultures.
It is easy to recreate the art of the past or to create an all new art. What I find difficult, but necessary, and extremely rewarding, is to create the art that is, now, and that has ever been. The unsevered branch, still alive and giving fruit.